Some first time parents may not know what expectations they should have when they take their child to a child care centre for the first time. Such uncertainty may affect the ability of those parents to select the best centre by assessing the different policies of the various child care centres in the area. This article discusses some of the things that you should expect from the child care centre where you enroll your child.
Open Door Policy
Child care centres understand the extent to which parents are attached to their children. The centres therefore try to make it possible for the parent to check on the child at any time that he or she wishes. Avoid selecting a daycare centre that puts restrictions on when you can go there to check on your child.
Frequent Communication
It is also reasonable for you to expect the child care centre to keep you informed about the different things that are happening to your child while he or she is at that centre. For example, the teachers should let you know if your child is having difficulties in interacting with the other children at the facility. Such timely information can help you to work with the centre to find workable solutions to any challenges faced.
Respect for Your Family Values
Find a daycare centre which is staffed by individuals who respect diversity and will not be judgemental when you state the values that you wish your child to learn or uphold. For example, the centre should allow you to dress your child in a way that conforms to your religious or cultural beliefs if you so desire.
A Safe and Healthy Environment
Make sure that the child care centre which you select provides the appropriate environment for your child to learn. For example, there shouldn't be any safety hazards (open pits, for example) that can put your child at a high risk of being injured while he or she is at that centre. The highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene should be maintained at the facility so that your child doesn't get exposed to germs as he or she plays or interacts with the other children there.
Talk to the management of the child care facility in case you are uncomfortable about anything at the facility. Suggest possible remedies so that the learning environment can be improved for your child. Only take the child to another facility if all efforts to address your concerns don't yield positive outcomes.